Animation with Komotion


Unprecedented, effortless creativity with non-static rigs and non-uniform scaling

Komotion Rigs are not limited, static structures, and they have no reliance on pre-built templates or modules

All Komotion Rigs are inherently non-static rigs, meaning the structure and scale of rigs and chains are completely freeform. Our new approach here opens up completely new creative possibilities, and to demo this, a growing vines effect was created, as shown to the right.

In this example, 5 Komotion Bone Chains were created; each with 10 segments and deformation corrective joints.

Using Non-Uniform Scaling, built-in Spline Controls and FK, Bone Chains could be scaled down to zero, and then freely animated and key-framed with a time-lapse growing effect.

Rigs built with Komotion can be thought of as biological beings in of themselves, that can limitlessly grow, extend and evolve during key-frame animation.

Skeletal animation is completely fluid with all chain controls always usable, maximising creativity, productivity, and quality.


Looking at the 12 Principles of Animation with the Komotion toolset, the growing vines effect shows that Squash and Stretch, and even Exaggeration, can be expressed very effectively with incredibly little effort!

Result: For the Growing Vines, all Rigging, Skinning and Animation totalled 45 minutes!


Completely New Creative Possibilities and Expression

  • Komotion Bone Chains open up completely new possibilities for non-conventional skeletal rigging and animation

  • All Komotion Bone Chains contain built-in: 6-DOF and Static IK/FK, motion paths, Uniform and Non-Uniform Scale and Stretch, pivot pointing, Chain accessory, and even more

  • Re-configure and extend Komotion Rigs and Chains during keyframing

Intuitive and Productive Animation

  • Simple animation with all Komotion Rigs and Chains; all controls are built-into all chains!

  • Innovative singular chains, shapes and colours to maximise productivity and guide users

  • Explore completely new approaches to common challenges with the powerful Spline Knot and Path Controls

  • Mirror and flip rigs and bone chains sets in any direction!

New Animation Controls for
Unique Rigs and Posing


Inverse Chain


All of these Animation Controls can be used with all Komotion Rigs and Chains; even if the chains are linked to other custom rigs.

Free Rig


Inverse Rig

Free FK


Built into every Komotion Bone Chain:

Spline Controls

6-DOF IK/FK Chain Movement

Bone segment uniform/non-uniform scaling and stretching

6-DOF Mirroring and Posing

Chain Accessory

Twist Controllers

Structure Combining Capabilities
