Komotion for Maya
Loading & Saving Komotion Rigs/Chains


Loading Komotion Rigs/Chains in a Maya Scene

To load Komotion Rigs/Chains in a Maya Scene, in the Komotion UI, simply click ‘Run Scene Collection’.

Note: In the Skeleton Creation UI, the ordering layout of Komotion Chains in Rigs may differ from a previous save. This does not affect functionality and is just due to a limitation in the rig/chain collection routine.


Scene Export of Komotion Rigs/Chains

1. Click ‘All Modes Off’ to ensure all Controls are off.


2. In the Outliner, Select all of the Komotion Rig and Chain Nodes.


3. Click ‘File’ and then ‘Export Selection…’.


4. Export as normal to a new Maya Scene.


The new exported Maya scene can now be opened as normal. On opening the scene, clicking ‘Run Scene Collection’ will load the Komotion Rigs/Chains in the scene, ready for use.