
Rigging, Animation, Skinning and Exporting Tutorials


This series of Komotion for Maya tutorials guides first-time users through the use of Komotion for 3D Content Creation, and also serves as a practical reference guide for experienced users.

First-time users will start out learning the fundamentals of Komotion’s fully procedural auto-rig, how to link and parent Komotion chains to rapidly build complex and creative structures, use the wide range of animation controls, start using Komotion’s auto-skinning toolset, and export everything to game engines and USD/Alembic.

For all first-time users starting out with Komotion for Maya, we strongly recommend starting with both ‘Installing Komotion for Maya’ and ‘Introduction to Komotion for Maya’ sections below:


Installing Komotion for Maya

Start by installing Komotion for Maya for the first-time, and activate your licence.

Introducing Komotion for Maya

Learn the basics and usage of the Komotion toolset in Maya, and the general 3D production pipeline.


Working with Komotion for Maya

Learn the workflow, paradigm and key concepts of Komotion, and how it differs from other 3D toolsets.

As Komotion can be quickly learned and put to practical use in several hours, we recommend that all users cover the whole tutorial series if time permits.


Starting Komotion Skeleton Creation

  • Learn how to create and configure Komotion structures and chains

  • Learn key Komotion controls to build structures, link chains, and use kinematics

  • Use Komotion System Controls for switching controls, and states/resets

Linking and Parenting Komotion Chains, and working with Komotion Nodes

  • Linking and parenting chains to build structures with the Komotion Auto-Rig

  • Using the Dynamic Configuration commands for advanced Linking

  • Overview of the standard Komotion Nodes in all Komotion Chains and Rigs, and usage for linking

Key Advice and Notes on Using Komotion

Our advice and recommendations to all Komotion users on general usage for 3D content creation

Advanced Skeleton Configuration

  • Configure and create bone chains for a wide range of uses

  • Rapidly build complex structures, and solve technical challenges

Optimally Configuring Komotion for Maya

  • How Maya can be configured to improve Komotion performance

  • General usage tips on working with the Komotion toolset


Using the Komotion Controls and System

  • Working with the key rig and bone chain controls, and system commands

  • Using Komotion Auto-Rig Reset commands and switching control states

  • Komotion in Maya, how to load Komotion Rigs from a scene, and current known limitations

Komotion Spline Controls, Path Objects, and Path Joints

  • Using the core Spline controls and key practical use cases

  • Leveraging Knots Path Objects and Splines in Komotion Chains for Animation

  • Advanced usage of the Path Objects and Path Joints

Loading, Saving and Exporting Komotion Rigs

Learn how to load, save and export existing Komotion Rigs in Maya.

Accessory Controls

  • Working with the Accessory Controls and bone chains

  • Using the Accessory Controls with structures and other controls

Advanced Animation Controls

  • Master Komotion Animation controls for unique character posing

  • Use the Animation controls with structures and individual bone chains


Komotion Skinning

  • Learn how to use Komotion Auto-Skinning to improve productivity

Exporting and Pipelines

Komotion Exporting

  • Learn how rigs, chains and animations can be exported to Game Engines such as UE4 and Unity

  • Exporting tips and detail on USD, Alembic and FBX file formats

Custom Komotion Node Naming Schemes

  • Learn how Pipeline TDs and studios with custom pipelines can apply their own naming schemes to Komotion Nodes

  • Only follow this tutorial if you require a custom Komotion Node naming scheme

What’s Next?


Start the Komotion Crash Courses

Our ‘Crash Course’ series shows users how to create unique art and animation, from start to finish, making extensive use of the full Komotion toolset.

Komotion Human to UE4 shows users how to rig, skin and animate a Biped from scratch with the Komotion toolset, and export to UE4. We recommend everyone using UE4 or other game engines in their production pipeline cover this course.

Let it Grow shows how the Komotion toolset can be used for unique growing and deformation effects. The entire rigging, skinning and animation of plants and trees is covered in this course, as well as exporting to UE4. We recommend all artists and animators cover this course to gain a greater understanding of the new creative possibilities Komotion opens up.


Watch the Daily Randoms

We recommend all 3D content creators watch the ‘Daily Randoms’ series.

It covers a wide range of practical use cases of the Komotion toolset; from rapidly solving technical challenges, bringing new creatures and characters to life, and through to exploring new creative possibilities only possible with Komotion.

All of the videos are several minutes in length, and we periodically add new videos to the series, and include links in our Newsletter.